by Doug Vogt
The author conducts various reproducible experiments at several gravitational mystery spots and draws some surprising conclusions.
The following catalog of anomalous vortex sites contains descriptive data in a systematic format listed for each site. In several cases complete data for all sites is not currently available (as of January, 1998; unverified data compiled from Banta and Vogt). Further bibliographic research and site discovery, description, analysis, experimentation and reporting is encouraged.
Site Data Format:
STATE / COUNTY (alpha order by state)
SITE NAME (alpha order)
GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES (latitude / longitude) *
* For nearby places - not actual sites; from national and state gazetteer sources. Local city maps, state highway maps and site maps on the Internet (Mapblast) can be referenced when accessing sites.
1. AZ / Coconino Co.
Rose Point
address ?
Sedona, AZ
telephone ?
road segment
length ?
34° 52' N / 111° 46' W
2. CA / Mendocino Co.
Confusion Hill - Gravity House
75001 N. Hwy. 101
Piercy, CA 95587
707 925-6456
on side of hill north of Piercy and Smithe Redwoods State Reserve
100 ft. diameter
39° 58' N / 123° 48' W
3. CA / Los Angeles Co.
Gravity Grade
address ?
Pomona, CA ?
telephone ?
road segment - Mt. Baldy ?
length ?
34° 14' N / 117° 40' W
4. CA / Orange Co.
Haunted Shack - Knott's Berry Farm
8039 Beach Blvd.
Buena Park, CA 90620
714 220-5200
near intersection of State Hwys. 5 & 9
diameter ?
33° 52' N / 118° 00' W
5. CA / Sonoma Co.
Magnetic Hill
? Lichau Rd.
Petaluma, CA
telephone ?
road segment 300 ft. length
38° 14' N / 122° 38' W
6. CA / San Bernardino Co.
Mystery Shack - Calico Ghost Town
36600 Ghost Town Rd.
Yermo, CA 92398
619 254-2122
off State Hwy. 15, 10 mi. north of Barstow, between Barstow and Calico Mts.
diameter ?
34° 55' N / 115° 55' W
7. CA / Santa Cruz Co.
Mystery Spot
465 Mystery Spot Rd., off 1953 Branciforte Dr.
Santa Cruz, CA 95063
408 423-8897; fax 408 429-6653
on side of hill, off State Hwy. 17, near Scotts Valley
150 ft. diameter
36° 58' N / 122° 02' W
8. CANADA / New Brunswick
Magnetic Hill
TCH Route 2
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada E1C 532
506 853-3516
road segment - grade on Bend Rd. on side of hill off Mountain Rd.
length ?
46° 06' N / 64° 47' W
9. FL / Polk Co.
Spook Hill
? N. Wales Dr.
Lake Wales, FL 33859
813 676-3445; 813 678-4182
road segment, near State Hwys. 27 & 60 between North & Burns Aves.
200 ft. length
27° 54' N / 81° 35' W
10. FL / Saint Johns Co.
Mystery Spot
address ?
St. Augustine, FL
telephone ?
features ?
diameter ?
29° 54' N / 81° 19' W
11. MI / Lenawee Co.
Mystery Hill
7611 U.S. Hwy. 12
Irish Hill, MI 49265
517 467-2517
on side of hill, west of Hane Rd., north-north-west of Adrian and east of Cambridge
diameter ?
42° 20' N / 84° 08' W
12. MI / Mackinac Co.
Mystery Spot
150 Martin Lake Rd.
St. Ignace, MI 49781
906 643-8322
300 ft. diameter
on side of hill, 5 mi. west of St. Ignace, near State Hwy. 75 off Route 2
45° 52' N / 84° 44' W
13. MN / Crow Wing Co.
Magnetic Mine Shack - Paul Bunyan Amusement Center
1900 Fairview Rd.
Brainerd, MN 56401
218 829-6342
west of State Hwy. 371 and Evergreen Dr.; east of Inglewood Dr.; 60 mi. north of St. Cloud
diameter ?
46° 22' N / 94° 12' W
14. MO / Taney Co.
Grandfather's Mansion - Silver Dollar City
1940 State Hwy. 248
Branson, MO 65616
417 336-7111; 417 338-8100
west of State Hwy. 248 and Interstate Hwy. 65
diameter ?
36° 39' N / 93° 13' W
15. NC / Watauga Co.
Mystery Hill
Route 1, Box 278
Blowing Rock, NC 28605
704 264-2792
on side of hill, east of State Hwys. 221/321; north of Blue Ridge Parkway
diameter ?
36° 08' N / 81° 41' W
16. NC / Haywood Co.
Mystery Shack - Ghost Town of the Sky
Hwy. 19, Box 369
Maggie Valley, NC 28751
704 926-1140; 800 446-7886
on side of hill, north of State Hwy. 19; north of Waynesville
diameter ?
35° 31' N / 83° 00' W
17. NH / Grafton Co.
Mysterious Tuttle House - Clark's Trading Post
Route 3, Box 1
North Woodstock, NH 03262
603 745-8913
north of State Hwy. 112; east of Route 3 and State Hwy. 93; White Mts. area
diameter ? (no vortex detected by site owner)
44° 10' N / 71° 45' W
18. NJ / Bergen Co.
site name ?
address ?
Franklin Lakes, NJ 08105 ?
telephone ?
highway exit ramp
length ?
41° 01' N / 74° 12' W
19. OH / Ottawa Co.
Mystery Hill
8232 Harbor Rd.
Marblehead, OH 43440
419 798-5230
on side of hill near State Hwy. 2, intersection of Hartshorn and Bayshore Rds.
diameter ?
41° 30' N / 82° 45' W
20. OR / Jackson Co.
Oregon Vortex - House of Mystery
4303 Sardine Creek Rd.
Gold Hill, OR 97525
503 855-1543 ?
on side of hill off State Hwy. 234; S. Crater Lake turnoff from Hwy. I - 5
165 ft. diameter
42° 26' N / 123° 03' W
21. OR / Klamath Co.
Uncanny Canyon
address ?
Crater Lake, OR 97604
telephone ?
road segment
length ?
42° 57' N / 122° 06' W
22. OR / Coos Co.
site name ?
address ?
Coquille, OR 97423
telephone ?
features ?
diameter ?
43° 11' N / 124° 11' W
23. PA / Westmoreland Co.
Confusion Hill - Idlewild Park
Route 30, Darlington Rd.
Ligonier, PA 15658
412 238-3666
on side of hill, Donegal exit No. 9 off State Hwy. 30, near intersection of State Hwy. 711
diameter ?
40° 15' N / 79° 14' W
24. SD / Pennington Co.
Cosmos of the Black Hills
3616 W. Main St.
Rapid City, SD 57702
605 343-7278; 605 343-9802
on side of hill off Hwy. 16, north of Keystone
diameter ?
44° 05' N / 103° 14' W
25. SD / ? Co.
site name ?
address ?
city/state/zip code ?
telephone ?
wilderness area
diameter ?
latitude/longitude ?
26. TX / Tarrant Co.
Casa Magnetica - Six Flags Over Texas (Park)
2201 Road to Six Flags
Arlington, TX 76014
817 640-8900
off State Hwy. 360 - access road via Watson Rd.; south of Hwy. 30 and Copeland Rd.
diameter ?
32° 44' N / 97° 07' W
27. TN / Sevier Co.
Mystery Hill
Dudley Creek Rd. and U.S. Hwy. 441
Gatlinburg, TN 37738
telephone ?
features ?
diameter ?
35° 43' N / 83° 31' W
28. UT / Salt Lake Co.
site name ?
address ?
Salt Lake City, UT 84101 ?
telephone ?
features ? (reported in Banta, p. 140)
diameter ?
40° 46' N / 111° 53' W
29. WI / Sauk Co.
Wonder Spot
Hwy. 12, Exit 92
Lake Delton, WI 53940
608 254-4224
on side of hill, south of Canyon Rd.
55 ft. diameter
43° 36' N / 89° 48' W
30. WY / Teton Co.
Teton Mystery (Spot)
South Hwy. 89, Box 1412
Jackson, WY 83001
307 733-4285; 307 733-3316
on side of hill, near intersection of Hwys. 89/26, 22, 189
100 ft. diameter (approx.)
43° 29' N / 110° 46' W
Doug Vogt the author & publisher is a remarkable man who "funded and directed three expeditions to the Sinai desert where he was the first person since Baruch (Jeremiah's grandson) to discover the real Mount Sinai."
Doug gives evidence that the Earth is subject to recurring supernovas in a series of videos produced by Dan Shaw.
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