Gaia Matrix contents

Cycles of Destiny
Part I - The Basics
Chapters 1. Introduction Arkhom Early Sites, development of
landscape geometries, discovery of the Arkhom geomatrix.
2. Geomantic Ley Corridors A brief history of geomancy, with
New York City as example. Geomantic Ley Corridors, Unified Vector
Geometry, geometry referenced to planetary lines, landscape, and
cultural features. Description of specific ley corridors:
Washington, Peacemaker, Empire, Appalachian, Liberty, Berkshire, Chakra,
Monadnock, and Base leys.
3. Sacred Geometry 101 Introduction to sacred geometry
including the phi ratio, vesica piscis, pentagon, hexagon, and heptagon.
Their application in religious architecture and the Great Pyramid.
4. Three Mountains Triangle of Mounts Ascutney, Washington, and
Mansfield in northern Vermont and New Hampshire keys geometries of
entire continent. The Element of Earth.
5. The Circle of Twelve Twelve points derived from the
expansion of the mountain triangle. Symbolism of twelve, with thirteenth
point at center. Education and community as their unifying sense of
place. The Element of Water.
6. The Power of Seven Symbolism of seven. Solstice and equinox
alignments reveal solar temple. Arkhom's clockwise spin field. The
Element of Fire.
7. The Compass Rose The Ossipee Range and Lake Winnipesaukee
key a miniature of the Arkhom geometry, oriented to geographic North.
8. The Four Directions The completion of the four directions of
the core geometry. New York City viewed as sexual organs of this
terrestrial biology. The Element of Air and the Four Winds.
9. The Chakra Systems The Chakra Ley, from the crown at the
clear waters of Lake Willoughby in northern Vermont, to the polluted
root in southern Connecticut. Sense of place qualities related to each
chakra. River systems. The Element of Ether.
Part II - Its Alive!
10. Harmonic Expansion Core Arkhom geometry as center of North
American tectonic plate and Gaia Matrix. Expansion of Gaia Matrix across
continent by harmonic rings. Parallels to growth of nation. Tectonic
plate as Yin/Yang balance point for planet, manifesting Spirit of the
Earth. Antarctica as fractal of planet's circumference. Poles carry
Spirit of the Cosmos. Sai Baba and Bangalor India emanate Spirit of the
11. Inner Life Center of Gaia Matrix expresses gaian qualities
of education, agriculture, cooperation, spirituality, the arts, health,
peace, and matriarchal power. Highlights Sojourner Truth.
12. The Universal Ark Makes case for Gaia Matrix as a living
ark. Goethanum and Universel as examples of sacred places for all
peoples. The need for a Universal Ark for the new millennium.
13. The Cycles of Destiny The four ages of American
civilization: childhood (Boston and the revolution), adolescence (the
Erie Canal and westward expansion), adulthood (New York City and
America's rise to power), and old age (Vermont and wisdom). Emerging
wisdom phase characterized by "green" values of sustainability -
ecology, community, peace.
Part III - The Becoming
14. The Three Democracies Equidistant from the center of the Gaia
Matrix, nested within the first harmonic, lie the three sites that
gave rise to North America's great democracies Seneca Falls,
Philadelphia, Montreal. Seneca Falls embodied matriarchal culture of
Iroquois people and the Peacemaker; later gave force to international
women's movement. Philadelphia birthed essentially patriarchal American
democracy. Montreal gave rise to Dominion of Canada.
Landforms of Montreal indicate holistic balance of masculine and
feminine. Wisdom cycle focused on North may express new international
culture of gaian balance in Montreal.
15. The Three Biomes Expanding from the rings of the three
democracies, the three biomes nest between two rings of the Gaia
Matrix. Pilot Biome identifies power points of Southern confederacy,
embraces ancient Mississippian mound sites. Maritime Biome identifies
all Maritime capitals plus Quebec City and Augusta Maine. Centers on
island town of Fatima, like Montreal dedicated to Mary. Great Lakes
Biome is fractal of Finger Lakes/Seneca Falls. Pentagonal form
identifies lakes and major cities.
16. Masonic Age Masonic influence on design of cities in Gaia
Matrix. Aztec god Xochipilli central icon of Washington DC. John Brown,
the Secret Six, geomantic importance of Harpers Ferry. Three
revolutions: first brought religious/political liberty, second physical
freedom from slavery third is just beginning.
17. The Western Wheels Landscape energy wheels nested in next
harmonic of Gaia Matrix. Dorothy Leon, Great Western Wheel centered on
Grand Teton. Energetic dynamic and interplay of this with Four Corner
Wheel and Hopi Wheel. Importance of Hopiland to America. Subliminal
Mormon geomancy, relation to Gaia Matrix. Yucatan wheel links Mexico
City, New Orleans. Inuit wheel scribes new province of Nunavut,
Magnetic North.
This section gives voice to related expressions of the evolving Gaia
Bethe Hagens Bethe, who with William Becker discovered the Unified
Vector Geometry (popularly known as the earth grid), explores this as
the "Philosopher's Stone" that may once have provided the
organizing principle for all human cultures. She also discusses what she
calls the Celestial Basket, the heavenly counterpart of the UVG. World
history, Plato, precession of equinoxes.
William Stuart Buehler Researcher and minister William Buehler
offers an esoteric interpretation of the core Arkhom geometry viewed
through the Reshel Grid, a geometry also found in European sacred
sites, churches, and landscape geometries. The purpose of the Reshel and
thus Arkhom is to help us awaken to a fuller spectrum of consciousness.
Henry P. MacLean Architect Henry MacLean lays out a vision of the
sustainable city, focusing on Boston, including a proposed ecological
renovation of City Hall that would save energy and millions of
dollars. He proposes a regional environmental center as part of the
renovation. This Gaia Matrix site would then send forth a new
revolutionary message into continental consciousness
that of a practical, sustainable culture.
List of Gaia Matrix Points
Arkhom and the Geometries of Destiny...