Erich von Daniken presents in his book "The Eyes of the Sphinx : The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact in Ancient Egypt" the more than 200 triangles that can be constructed between very old cultural cities such as Dodoni, Delphi, Sparta, Olympia, Knossos, Akropolis, etc. Of these triangles have 148 the golden ratio or golden section.
He has obtained the information from Theophanis M. Manias books "Die geometrisch-geodatische Triangulation des altgriechischen Raumes, Athene, 1970", "La triangulacion grometrico-geodesica del espacio de la antigua Grecia, Madrid, 1971" and "The invisible harmony of the Greeks, National Institution, Athene, 1969". In the picture you see only a few triangles.
Aegean, Greece 12 temples in the shape of Maltese Cross
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