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Excerpts of Vortex Maps books
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Assemble the EarthStar Globe 1 page
EarthStar Globe Geometry
The Earth Grid -- and the EarthStar Globe -- is a combination of the icosahedron and dodecahedron. This handbook explains the geometry of the Earth Grid... and more. This book includes patterns for 11 shapes to assemble. 32 pages.
EarthStar Globe Handbook
Megaliths Around the World: Built to the Same Geometric Plan; EarthStar Grid Points
Latitudes and Longitudes & Geographic Features; Universal Proportions in the Earth & EarthStar Globe; more.
9 pages.
EarthStar North America Map Handbook
19 Significant mountains and bodies of water form a nearly perfect circle around the Grand Tetons. 12 pages.
Shasta Vortex Field Guide booklet
Plan your initiatory journey to vortexes in the Mt. Shasta area. Easily visit many various kinds of vortexes in the area and experience their alchemical power. Mt. Shasta provides an interesting case study of the types of vortexes you can find everywhere. Photos, travel directions, and descriptions of vortex points.
2 pages.
Stonehenge Gardening Tips booklet
Ancient civilizations built monuments around the world that manipulate the energies of the Earth, to make the land and animals more fertile. Harness these Earth ("vortex") energies in your own garden. 2 pages.
Dan Shaw vortex research.
Four articles. The Power of Place; Geometric Calendars and Maps: Mayan Calendar Corresponds to the EarthStar Grid; Timesickness and Healing Calendars: "Top 10 Ways to Attune to Natural Rhythms"; Geometry of Consciousness & Geometric Maps. 32 pages.
Geography-Geometry Lesson Plan
By Bethe Hagens. A Lesson Plan for Geometry and Geography. 16 pages.
Nick Nelson:
Golden Vortex
26 pages.
Chapter 8: Golden Coincidences
13 pages.
Vortex Field Guide:
The Montana Vortex
Mystery Hill, North Carolina
2: Vortex Height Change
5: Active in the U.S.
"Primary" chapter
Dorothy Leon
Dorothy Leon is the source of the EarthStar North America Map.
Articles by Dorothy Leon. Part 1. 56 pages.
Articles by Dorothy Leon, Part 2. 86 pages.
Donald Beaman
Discovering Noetic Archaeology 14 pages.
Return to Saqqara excerpt
Book of Revelation
Barbara Hero
Collected writings Part 1
Collected writings Part 2
New Poems from the Old World:
4 poems I wrote in Europe in 2006
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