Vortex Maps dot com
Vortex Field Guide vortex diagram with nine-mile corona eight genuine vortexes open as tourist attractions in the USA Dan Shaw shrunk at the Montana Vortex

Vortex Field Guide

Map Your Local Vortexes

Nine tourist attractions in the US feature authentic vortex phenomena, this book is about them. Learn how to map vortexes in your own area, based on their common size, shape, behavior of animals, plant growth, etc., and how to measure and document the phenomena for further research.

Nick Nelson has been studying magnets since he was a child. He believes that vortexes hold the key to building a Magnetic Motor. Dan Shaw is a modern alchemist who has been working with the Earth grid for 35 years, to harmonize the Earth and for physical healing and psychic opening.

Sample Chapters: Height Change Phenomena (.pdf)

152-page e-book $9.99

Daniel Evan Shaw, website copyright © 2024